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Real Agenda Radio

Dec 31, 2021

Reducing unnecessary financial hardship, yes, it is possible, so we are to move From Here To Prosperity. This new podcast series on The Real Agenda Network is hosted by Tom Burgess, the author of From Here To Prosperity which describes an Agenda for Progressive Prosperity based on an inequality busting strategy of...

Dec 12, 2021

Positive political change can happen, but there are challenges. There are three key issues that need to be resolved if we are to move From Here To Prosperity. This new podcast series on The Real Agenda Network is hosted by Tom Burgess, the author of From Here To Prosperity which describes an Agenda for Progressive...

Dec 4, 2021

Fred Harrison is a broadcaster and social campaigner, he predicted the last two major economic crashes more accurately than anyone in the world. In this series of podcasts (now available on The Real Agenda Network) Fred offers ideas for what could be a truly great reset, if we based our economic system on fairness...

Nov 29, 2021

Fred Harrison is known as a broadcaster and social campaigner – if he is known at all. And yet, he has predicted the last two major economic crashes (the 1990s and 2008-10) more accurately than anyone in the world. Amazingly he wasn’t on TV or advising governments on how to handle it. He was ignored and frozen out...

Nov 26, 2021

From Here to Prosperity is a new podcast series on The Real Agenda Network

With this series, we seek to give voice to widespread frustration felt by so many of us at the failure of partisan politics and traditional economics to end toxic inequality worldwide. But instead of dwelling on these grievances, you will hear...